Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Planet DC Flash And Green Lantern

Even more coverage of the Planet DC Annuals of 2000, where DC's greatest American heroes worked with heroes from other lands.

Here, the Flash (Wally West) teams up with the members of Super Malon including sorceress Salamanca), while Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) meets Sala.

Flash Annual #13 (September, 2000)

Here it is a whole team of heroes in Argentina, in this story by Chuck Dixon and Enrique Alcatena, but first we start out with one of the earliest heroes, Jay Garrick, the Flash, trapped in some mystical land, while Wally West, the Flash, plays chess with Oracle in the JLA Watchtower on the moon.  There, Wally gets a mystical summons from Salamanca, and beams down to Argentina, where he faces the Peteys (little hairballs that are super fast servants of Gualicho).  Gualicho entraps Salamanca in a mystic bottle, with one of the Peteys taking it, leading Wally on a chase through Argentina, where it finally disappears.  

Wally uses his super speed to follow the Peteys' vibrations, ending up in the mystic land, where he meets Jay and the rest of the Super Malon (Cachiru, wolf Lobizon, blue costumed Pampero, brown hooded Vizacacha,  swashbuckling Cimarron, jaguar styled Yaguarette and horse headed Bagual), where they explain that Flash must race los Peteys and win or become trapped in phantom form as they are (and do it before the solstice or the wizard Gualicho can free himself from this land Salamanca trapped him in).  Wally starts to race the Peteys, but instead confronts Gaulicho, freeing Salamanca from the bottle, so she can free the rest from their phantom forms, and combined, beat Gaulicho.

In the second story, also by Dixon/Alcatena, readers learn of the romantic ties between Salamanca and Cachiru, as the duo have to deal with a ghostly Mazorquero (a secret police member of a governor of Argentina long ago) who haunts the Dona Rosario Echeverria, an old woman who was dying....and, the love of Jose, who was that secret guard, who was waiting for her to die to be with her, leaving Salamanca and Cachiru to decide if they would resurrect their old affair.  Salamanca and most of the Super Malon appear again in Wonder Woman #186 and #187, with Salamanca attending a meeting of mystics in Infinite Crisis.

Green Lantern Annual #9 (September, 2000)

Meanwhile, in Tunisa, Sala is introduced in a story by Timothy Truman, Koi Turnbull and John Lowe (with a cover by Truman), starting with demons of the air decimating a small tribe, raising one of them from the dead to become Pazuzu (who will open the gateway).  Soon after, on an archeological dig in the area, Sala Nisaba and friends (including Assan) find an old well that is a passageway to the gates of hell, with local soldiers killing all but Sala and Assan, as Green Lantern appears to save them.  Sala recognizes Kyle (as they attended college classes together), and, along with the old man the soldiers were torturing, go to explore the well. 

There, they find the wall keeping the Kurnugi (Babylonian Underworld) from invading Earth.  Sala finds the ruins to explain the wall, that it keeps Nergal (lord of terror), his wife (Ereskigal) and her evil mother (Tiamat), the demon lord (Pazuzu) and Humbaba (entrail faced demon) away from Earth.  Istar (the lady of heaven) and her ring bearer (Ninurta) fought to keep them back there in ancient times...and, Kyle finds the ring bearer was an agent of Oa (and the Guardians of the Universe).  Then, the demons appear and take Sala and the rest to Kurnugi, where the family plots to escape (and against each other...), but needed the ring of one of the Guardians' agents (Kyle) as well as Istar's ringstaff to get free, which they now have.  They also reveal that Sala was a descendant of Istar and Ninurta, and has the power of Istar...

In the second story, by Tim Truman and Paul Ryan, the plans continue, with the family sending their demons into Kyle to try to get him to relinquish the ring, which they eventually do, but even as Nergal opens the gateway, Kyle continues to fight, with Sala fully embracing her new identity as the lady of battle.  Kyle gets Assan as Sala continues to fight the family, with Sala getting Kyle his ring, as he and Assan escape through the gateway, but leaving Sala behind.  Kyle would return to help Sala in the JLA: Gatekeeper mini-series, with Sala later appearing in the Infinite Crisis Special: Day of Vengeance.

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