A happy New Year to all! Still feeling a little of the Christmas spirit as well, so a special treat, with the
Comico Christmas Special #1 (December, 1988) with a cover by
Dave Stevens.
All stories written by Doug Wheeler, with "Living For Christmas" art by Ken Holewczynski (where a man uses suspended animation to sleep through non-Christmas months), "Too Many Santas" with art by Bernie Mireault (with a boy trying to find out why there are Santas on every corner), "The Stiflemix Diaries" with art by Tim Sale (with the adventurers of the Noel Liberation Brigade, fighting to stop Christmas references when it isn't Christmas), "One Winter Day" with art by Bill Willingham and Chris Warner (dealing with snow shoveling during a heavy snowfall) and, referencing the cover, "Traditions Everlasting" with art by Steve Rude and Al Williamson (with aliens finding Christmas artifacts in a nuclear devastated world).
Living For Christmas and Too Many Santas
The Stiflemix Diaries and One Winter Day
Traditions Everlasting with the back cover