Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Celebrating Artist Paul Pelletier

Celebrating the birthday of artist Paul Pelletier (February, 18, 1970) with a couple of his Green Lantern covers...

...featuring Green Lantern Kyle Rayner meeting with Flash Wally West as the duo faced a new Sonar in Green Lantern #66 and #67 (September and October, 1995).

Monday, February 17, 2025

Life Stories Of American Presidents

When you are looking for history, you go with Dell.  

In a book cover dated November, 1957, they covered the Life Stories Of American Presidents, from George Washington to Dwight D. Eisenhower, and all in between, like Abraham Lincoln...with interior art by John Buscema.

A little history, for President's Day.

Friday, February 14, 2025

Valentine's Day With Harley Quinn

A happy Valentine's Day to all...

...but not so much for Harley Quinn, as seen on this Frank Cho cover to Harley Quinn #70 (April, 2020) with Harley not so happily chasing down cupid.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Celebrating Artist Ron Lim

Celebrating the birthday of artist Ron Lim (February 13, 1965) with a bit of a love story, between Captain America and Diamondback.

Captain America fought the Serpent Society, whose membership including Diamondback (Rachel Leighton), debuting in Captain America #310 (October, 1985, before Ron was on the series). 

But, Rachel soon found she had less interest in crime and more in the crime fighting Captain.  After dating Steve Rogers, she fell out of favor with the Serpent Society, and even tried to take them down. 

Captain America #371 and #373 (June, 1990 and Late July, 1990)


Captain America #380 and #381 (December, 1990 and January, 1991)


Monday, February 10, 2025

Young Romance With Jay Scott Pike

Love might mean never having to say your sorry, but boy, love also involved a lot of crying...at least if you've messed up your romance, as was a feature of covers of Young Romance, like this pair from Jay Scott Pike (from #140 of February-March 1966 and #146 of February-March, 1967), from the title that ran at DC for 84 issues, from #125 to #208 from August-September, 1963 to November-December, 1975.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Superboy Knows Football

Superboy shows he knows what to do on a football field, as shown in Adventure Comics #143 (August, 1949) with cover by John Sikela and Ed Dobrotka and Adventure Comics #207 (December, 1954) with cover by Curt Swan and Ray Burnley.

But, all that still doesn't impress Smallville's Lana Lang, as shown by this cover to Adventure Comics #170 (November, 1951) with cover by Win Mortimer.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Remembering Artist Rich Buckler

Remembering artist Rich Buckler on his birthday (February 6, 1942 - May 19, 2017) with a couple of very short lived Marvel series that he had done covers for the second issue of each...

...Modred the Mystic in Marvel Chillers and Ulysses Bloodstone in Marvel Presents.

Marvel Chillers #1 and #2 (October and December, 1975)


Modred the Mystic started as an apprentice to Merlin in the 6th century, and battled the Other to try to claim the Darkhold (to use to battle Merlin, whom Modred feared mad).  The Other tried to claim Modred's betrothed, Janice, but he gave himself up to save her.  Her father, Gervasse, entombed Modred, hoping future generations could help him (and they did, with Janet Lyton and Grant Whittaker freeing Modred in the 20th Century, where he battled the other in modern Britain.  Modred battled elementals with the Thing and Spider-Woman, but Later, Modred fell victim to the power of the Darkhold, and did the bidding of the Other (Chthon) fighting the Avengers (revealing the history of the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver as well). 

Marvel Presents #1 and #2 (October and December, 1975)


Bloodstone was caveman made immortal by the alien Bloodgem in his chest.  Using his extra time on Earth, he became a monster hunter, and was retroactively placed fighting classic Marvel Monsters from the past (along side others, including Dr. Druid), including Gorgilla, Diablo and the monsters whom Mole Man tamed on his island.  In these two issues he faced the Dweller from the Depths and the Possessor.